Exposition « Lueurs d’Amphibiens »

Photos : Quentin Martinez

Découvrez l’univers de nos amphibiens à travers le regard de Quentin, talentueux photographe et passionné d’herpétologie.

Composition : 12 panneaux au format 80/55 – 12 légendes au format 10x20cm. Caisse de transport en bois

Capture d’écran 2016-02-29 à 15.39.50
12_Songe_d_automneSonge d’automne

11_The_maskThe mask
9_The_athleteThe athlete
Hyla meridionalis photographed in a french marsh.En jaune
This photo shows a little Pelophylax sp who is eating a ant. The scene was taken near a source,  in the south of France.La grenouille et la fourmi
Frog of the genus Pelophylax photographed in a marsh from the national reserve of Brenne in central France.The green garden
This photo shows a viper snake (Natrix maura) who is eating a young frog of the genus Pelophylax. The scene was before me, while I was lying near of the water and I took photos of frogs.The law of the jungle
Attempt to amplexus by toad of genus Bufo bufo.L’amour à six
Hyla meridionalis photographed  in a french marsh.Into the wild
3_Aux_origines_de_la_vieAux origines de la vie

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